Subcision is an in-office procedure to improve the appearance of chin or cheek acne scarring or dimpling. A blunt needle is placed under the area of scarring or dimpling to loosen the fibres that connect the scar to the tissue below and stimulate collagen re-growth.

Before Your Treatment
Provide a detailed and accurate medical history including medications, acne/surgical history and previous aesthetic treatments/complications.
Consider the aftercare instructions/downtime as well as timeline for expected results prior to scheduling your treatment. Do not undergo aesthetic treatments right before a vacation or special event.
Avoid anti-inflammatory and over-the-counter blood thinning medications/supplements for 1-2 weeks before your treatment as they increase the risk of bruising and swelling. These include, but are not limited to, the following: , aspirin, ibuprofen, vitamin E, ginkgo biloba, ginseng, St. John’s wort, omega 3/fish oils. Ensure you seek advice from your prescriber before holding or discontinuing any medications. Also avoid tanning, hair removal, sunburn, and alcohol prior to treatment.
Be sure to eat a good meal and drink plenty of fluids prior to your procedure to reduce the chances of becoming lightheaded.
Cancel your appointment if you are acutely ill or have a rash or cold sore in the treatment area. Those with a history of cold sores (Herpes Simplex 1) should take a course of antiviral medication in advance of procedures in the perioral area.
If possible, please come to your appointment with your face make-up free and freshly washed.
What To Expect At Your Treatment
Your provider will begin with ‘before’ photos and will then map out your treatment area. Your skin will be numbed then thoroughly cleansed prior to the insertion of a blunt tipped cannula.
Most clients report the sensation as pressure rather than discomfort but topical and/or injectable anesthesia may be used.
The treatment time depends on the location, technique and amount of scar tissue being targeted.
Immediately following treatment, you may have redness, swelling and possible soreness or bruising which is managed with ice in-office and at home.
Since some initial results can be seen immediately, ‘after’ photos are taken and clients can expect further developing results over time as collagen regenerates the skin.
After Your Treatment
No vigorous massage or movement of treated area
Avoid excess alcohol, sun, and heat for 72 hours
No straining, lifting or vigorous exercise for 24 hours
Use acetaminophen and/or ice for 10 min max per hour for any discomfort
Avoid wearing make-up for 6 hours
No facials, laser treatments or microdermabrasion for at least 10 days